
Canning Tomatoes

I know, I know no new paintings and no new crafts, but its that time of year. Between Back to School shopping for my now "must be hip" 10yr old and canning I been busy.
Canning in Canada is an institution. I usually only can tomatoes and salsa. My Mom makes the pickles. I also freeze apple and peach pies, and cabbage rolls. If I'm really ambitious I'll do perogies too.
This weekend we went to Heritage Park for their vegetable sale. "Produce at old time prices "was the slogan. Luckily we took the wagon. 75lbs of tomatoes for $15.00!!!!
Anyhow it was cool and rainy yesterday so a good time to can ...... the kids decided to help.
(that only lasted for 40lbs or so)
It was a good afternoon project though. They also had fun designing the label.
oh well, back to the pies, shopping, etc.,etc.
see you soon

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